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‘World Away’: Painted Hills Trail Network Expands With Sandhill Addition
Outdoor enthusiasts can now explore the expanded Painted Hills and Highland Glen trail system southeast of Bozeman, featuring 1.5 miles of new trails and a 10-car parking lot.
Painted Hills Gets a Fresh Coat
The new bike rollover, boardwalk, and rerouted trail at Painted Hills enhances user experience while protecting wetlands and reducing erosion.
Ribbon Cutting Opens New Mountain Range Finder and Medicine Wheel Atop Peets Hill
The new Medicine Wheel and Mountain Range Finder on top of Peets Hill celebrate community, history, and belonging, marking decades of preservation and connection.
New Safe Crossing on East-West 'Raptor Route'
The new pedestrian crossing along GVLT’s Raptor Route enhances Bozeman’s trail network, connecting neighborhoods, parks, and schools for safer, active transportation.
Peets Hill Improvements
Following the successful campaign to add 12 acres to the southern end of Peets Hill, we embarked on two phases of improvements to Burke Park.
Drinking Horse TLC
Everyone’s beloved trail, Drinking Horse Mountain, is getting some much needed TLC after years of heavy use.
GVLT Launches Project Connecting Trails, East to West
GVLT has launched a new East-West Connector Trail project to ensure that trails on the west side are not only connected safely to each other, but also move people to the existing trails and parks on the eastside of town.
Missouri Headwaters Paddler’s Trail
The Missouri Headwaters Paddler’s Trail expands GVLT’s traditional idea of a trail, creating something more accessible to recreators and outdoor enthusiasts of a variety of levels of ability.
Burke Park Master Plan Approved
We are thrilled to announce that earlier this month, the City of Bozeman Commissioners approved amendments to the Burke Park Master Plan.
The Homestead Connector
This past Wednesday afternoon, nearly 30 volunteers gathered on the northeastern side of Highland Glen to put the finishing touches on a new trail in partnership with Bozeman Health.
Ribbon Cutting on the Ridge
GVLT staff worked closely with the Newhall family and the Forest Service to complete a trail easement, ensuring that the entirety of the Bridger Ridge Trail will remain accessible to the public in perpetuity.
Happy 30th Anniversary Peets Hill
Burke Park was GVLT’s first conservation project with the City of Bozeman in the early 90s with 42 acres purchased from the Burke family to the City of Bozeman in 1992.
Finalizing the Front Street Connector
This small but mighty ¼ mile paved pathway begins at the intersection of Birch (Oak) Street and Rouse Avenue and includes a pedestrian bridge crossing Bozeman Creek.
Painted Hills Gap Complete, Main Street Now Connected to Mountains
Finally, 28 years after the Main Street to Mountains concept was conceived, GVLT secured the necessary trail easements to close the gap through State of Montana DNRC land, private land, and GVLT conserved land.
Bozeman, Land Trust Close Deal for Peets Hill Land
It’s official: 12 acres off Bozeman’s iconic Peets Hill will be preserved as a city park.