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Guest Column: Investment in Conservation Another Reason to Rejoice
Our community can feel extra jolly this holiday season because four conservation projects received approval for funding through the Gallatin County Open Lands Program.
A Continuing Open Space Success Story
Gallatin County’s Open Lands Program, and the property tax levy that helps fund it, will help achieve the goal of keeping as much of the area as possible free from development.
GVLT Stewardship Team Takes Flight
Flight monitoring is changing the conservation easement monitoring game. Learn when and how GVLT’s Stewardship team uses flight monitoring.
Conserving Bos Hay & Grain
The 13th and most recently completed conservation easement in the Gooch Hill area closed in May 2022, thanks to Ron and Janice Bos of Bos Hay & Grain.
Conserving North Bridger Bison
At a recent GVLT Board meeting, Matt and Sarah Skoglund of North Bridger Bison expressed their thanks for helping them to complete a conservation easement on their ranch in Sedan.
Ribbon Cutting on the Ridge
GVLT staff worked closely with the Newhall family and the Forest Service to complete a trail easement, ensuring that the entirety of the Bridger Ridge Trail will remain accessible to the public in perpetuity.
Guest Column: The Quiet, Impactful Side of GVLT’s Conservation Stewardship
Every spring, our Stewardship team is preparing for a busy season of visiting with every landowner who has worked with GVLT to conserve land throughout our region.
A Small Easement on a Mighty Trail
GVLT is thrilled to announce the purchase of a trail easement on a section of the Bridger Ridge Trail (BRT) on the south end of the Bridgers.
Ringing in Our 120th Easement
Thanks to the generosity of Harald and Peggy Ring in Big Sky, we have officially completed our 120th GVLT conservation easement.
A Historical Homestead Protected Forever
In partnership with the Flikkema family, GVLT established its 118th conservation easement, protecting 426 acres of farmland and open space in the Amsterdam-Churchill region of Gallatin County.
160-Acre Property in Middle Cottonwood Canyon Secured for Public
A 160-acre piece of land in the West Bridger Mountains that was once private is now public thanks to a local family, a land trust and various donors.
Churchill-Area Farm Grants Conservation Easement
GVLT reached its 50,000 acres-conserved milestone with the successful completion of a conservation easement in the Amsterdam-Churchill area of Gallatin County on the Madison-Gallatin Plateau.
RCPP Funding Renewal Targets Local Ag Land
GVLT successfully applied to renew Gallatin Regional Partnership Program (Gallatin RCPP) funding through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to the tune of $3.8 million.