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Guest Column: The Quiet, Impactful Side of GVLT’s Conservation Stewardship
Every spring, our Stewardship team is preparing for a busy season of visiting with every landowner who has worked with GVLT to conserve land throughout our region.
160-Acre Property in Middle Cottonwood Canyon Secured for Public
A 160-acre piece of land in the West Bridger Mountains that was once private is now public thanks to a local family, a land trust and various donors.
Churchill-Area Farm Grants Conservation Easement
GVLT reached its 50,000 acres-conserved milestone with the successful completion of a conservation easement in the Amsterdam-Churchill area of Gallatin County on the Madison-Gallatin Plateau.
Bozeman, Land Trust Close Deal for Peets Hill Land
It’s official: 12 acres off Bozeman’s iconic Peets Hill will be preserved as a city park.