Gift Ideas for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Flora of the Yellowstone field guide

Wildflower Field Guide

Hot off the presses! The second edition of the stunning Flora of the Yellowstone field guide by Bozeman author, Whitney Tilt, has arrived just in time for your holiday shopping. The new edition of this guide to the wildflowers, shrubs, trees, and other flora of the Greater Yellowstone Region includes more than 400 species and new photos, offering the perfect gift for the plant enthusiast in your life. Designed for easy use, this guide presents an overview of each species, complete with photos and illustrations, botanical descriptions, preferred habitats, and interesting tidbits on the plant’s ecology and cultural use.

The book was a labor of love for Tilt, a longtime GVLT supporter and former board member. He was aided in this effort by an enormous cadre of talented professionals including photographers, writers, editors, biologists, and artists, including Clyde Aspevig, whose painting is featured on the cover. All the contributors to this project volunteered their time to bring this book to fruition and 100% of the proceeds from the book will go directly to GVLT for our work on trails and land conservation.

Tilt spent his career working in fisheries and wildlife conservation addressing a wide range of challenges from Colorado River water allocations and black-footed ferret recovery to recreational use of the Yellowstone River and evaluation of federal fisheries programs. He earned a Master of Environmental Science from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and began his introduction to the Greater Yellowstone Region ranching in the Tetons of Idaho. He describes himself as a plant enthusiast and “land snorkeler,” a term he credits to Clyde Aspevig and his artist wife, Carol Guzman, for those who take the time to look closer at the nature around us.

To purchase your copies, stop by GVLT’s office at 212 S. Wallace, Suite 101, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email

Also Get Your GVLT Merch

Looking for more gift ideas for your trail-using, open-space-loving family and friends? Check out our GVLT merch, including a variety of shirts, sweatshirts, baseball hats, winter beanies, tote bags, trail maps, stickers, and even onesies for the youngest GVLT fans.

GVLT staff modeling our merch

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