Choose the Giving Option That’s Right for You
Stocks or Mutual Funds
Did you know you can support our work by donating stocks or mutual funds?
You may be able to give more with less and save on taxes by donating appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Please note that GVLT does not receive donor information along with your gift of securities. Therefore, to help us ensure your gift of stock or mutual funds is received and acknowledged for tax purposes, you or your broker should notify us before sending or transferring shares.
Please include the following information in your notification to GVLT:
Your name
Number of shares
Name of stock or mutual fund
It is GVLT’s policy to sell the stock or security and put the proceeds right to work for our trails and open spaces. Before making a gift of securities, please make sure to discuss your particular situation, including tax benefits, with your financial advisor.
Access our stock giving account information and download the stock transfer form.
Donor-Advised Funds
You can support our mission of trails and conservation by directing gifts to Gallatin Valley Land Trust through your donor-advised fund.
The DAFDirect widget will link your DAF from Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon. Simply enter the amount you would like to support GVLT.
Gifts from IRA or Retirement Accounts
If you are 70½ years old or older, you can make a gift to GVLT directly from your IRA without having to pay income taxes on the money. This popular gift option is commonly called an IRA Charitable Rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). To make a gift through your IRA, please use the following information to refer to our organization:
Tax ID#: 81-0464513
Name: Gallatin Valley Land Trust
Address: P.O. Box 7021, Bozeman, MT 59771
Please contact your plan administrator for additional information on how to make a charitable distribution from your retirement account.
GVLT License Plate
Not only will a Gallatin Valley Land Trust license plate look great on your car, but your purchase will also generate a $25 donation to GVLT and you’ll help promote our mission of trails and conservation wherever you go. Learn more about the GVLT license plate and get yours today.