Help Respect Our Shared Outdoor Spaces
Are you Outside Kind? When it comes to the trails, kindness rules. Whether it is kindness to the actual trail and the land around you; kindness to the landowners, land managers, neighbors, and other critters that call the area home; or kindness to your fellow trail users, it is up to each of us to respect our shared outdoor spaces and experiences.
Be Kind to Trails and the Land
Pick up dog waste and litter you see along our trails and pack it out.
Stay on the trail. Walking or riding off the trail damages the plants. Walk single file to keep singletrack single. And, please don’t cut corners on switchbacks; these shortcut trails cause erosion!
Avoid using trails when wet and muddy (especially in spring!). Walking or riding on muddy trails can cause long-term damage that is costly and time-consuming to repair. When possible, find a dry trail. If you come across mud and can’t turn around, walk through it rather than around it.
Don’t pick the flowers. Bees need these for food and the flowers have seeds that will help them grow next year.
Volunteer your time. Join GVLT for volunteer events. We have opportunities for you to help steward the land and improve trails.
Be Kind to Other Trail Users
Be friendly. Show kindness in all things you do. Say howdy, nod, smile, wave at strangers.
Pass others with care. If you have to pass another trail user, slow down and shout a quick, “On your left!” Don’t forget to say thank you. If you’re in a big group, let them know how many people to expect.
Know when to yield (yielding means slowing down and stopping for others). Bikers should always yield to people on foot. When biking, slow down, put one foot down, and stop your bike on the edge of the trail. Downhill bikers always yield to uphill bikers
Leash dogs except in designated off-leash areas. Not everyone loves dogs and, let’s face it, even the best dogs aren’t perfect. Leashing your dog lets other people enjoy their trail experience. On busy trails, off-leash dogs can create a safety risk with fast-moving bikes and runners. The leash rules aren’t about your dog, it is about respecting other people’s trail experiences.
Pick up dog waste (it is your duty!). Dog waste finds its way into our clean water. It all flows downstream! We know carrying a bag of dog poop isn’t fun but leaving your bags along the trail really changes the whole natural experience. Some trailheads don’t have trash cans, so plan on packing out your dog waste. Assume you missed a poop and find another to scoop.
Keep it quiet. People get outside to get away from other humans. Consider others when playing music without headphones.
Be vigilant. Trailheads have been targets for car break-ins. Hike with your valuables, lock your car, and keep an eye out for suspicious behavior at the trailhead. A good way to prevent crime is to smile and greet everyone you see!
Be Kind to Neighbors and Landowners
Respect private land and property rights. Be respectful of livestock that may graze the property. Close gates when you pass through so cattle don’t escape. Some trails have public access only through a narrow corridor. Stay on the trail and keep dogs on leash if required to avoid trespassing. If you’re passing someone’s house, keep voices down.
Respect public land managers and agencies. Be respectful of their rules around closures, trail sharing, leashing, permits, etc. Examples of public land managers could be the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, U.S. Forest Service, State of Montana, and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP). Land managers have limited resources. Help them out by picking up extra trash at trailheads and reporting issues on the trail.
Respect the neighbors. Be mindful of neighbors as you drive to trailheads and access points. Dirt roads get dusty, so slow down and wave to oncoming traffic. If the parking areas are full, find another nearby trail rather than parking along a residential road or in front of a driveway. Keep your dogs from running into neighbors’ properties.
Respect wildlife and their habitat. Critters are our neighbors too. We live in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and trails travel through sensitive habitat. Leash your dogs to avoid chasing wildlife or disturbing nesting grounds. Be bear aware and avoid startling animals (a frequent “Hey bear!” will notify animals of your presence without disturbing the trail experience for others). Do not leave food unattended.
Be Kind in Every Way
See the Outside Kind website for simple, yet impactful ways to Ride Kind, Run Kind, Ski Kind, Wag Kind, Fish Kind, Trot Kind, and more.
Confident in your kindness? Take the Outside Kind Quiz.